Helping North Texas Property Owners for Over 60 Years

Property taxes, especially if you own more than one, can be confusing. They vary from county to county, and your percentage in one county isn’t the same as it would be somewhere else.

As the real estate market fluctuates, your property tax liability will need attention so you aren’t over or underpaying for your properties.

With over 60 years of experience, Joe Priest Real Estate has the experience to ensure that your property taxes are optimized for the type of real estate it is.

If you’re looking for a property tax advisor for your residential or commercial properties, contact Joe Priest Real Estate to speak with an agent.

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How Our Property Tax Consulting Services Can Help You

We Evaluate Your Property

We begin a consultation by evaluating your property, including its tax records and history. This helps us understand the real value of your property if it were to go onto the market.

We Evaluate Similar Properties

After we’ve completed an analysis of your property, we compare it to other, similar properties in the area. This helps us understand how your region’s property taxes look on similar homes or businesses.

We Review Your Taxes

We’ll analyze your appraisals and taxes to determine whether or not your property is being taxes correctly. If we believe it isn’t, we’ll begin collecting information to file a petition.

We Help File Your Petition

If we believe that you can petition to lower your property taxes, we’ll help you write and file a petition to do so.

Schedule A Property Tax Consultation Today

If you think you’re property taxes may be incorrect, Joe Priest Real Estate can help. Our extensive experience in the North, East, and Central Texas real estate markets gives us an excellent sense of property values and their taxes.

Contact our offices today to speak with a representative.

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